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Rinia was raised, from what little she recalls,

by a clan of forest elves. She was an orphanged

 child, who's only memory of her parents was

of her father dragging her away from some sort

of conflict...She doesn't really remember any of

her childhood though, much of it is hidden from

 her because of an injury she sustained during

 an attack by a demon when she was twelve

years of age.

  She doesn't know why, nor if there is a
reversing for the loss of memory, but she sought
any semblance of a family, until she found
herself a home in the Kingdom of Midori.

Rinia's last name was given to her on the night

of November 28, her thirteenth November, on

the day she met MoonShadow, the Western

European Dragon who bore the mark of a

crescent moon upon his forehead. The color of

the moon was silver,  and thus her surname. 

Her first name was given to her long before she

recalls any other by her parents or by the elves

who raised her, she knows not.