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Favoured Weopon and fighting tactics

Her favored weopon is a longsword, double edged with a wide blade.
The sword is of Drow character, with a spell written in Runes along the blade.  The spell is one she created on her own, and she named the sword "Death." 
The spell scripted into the silver, wide, double edged blade is:
*Let Power bind and fire flow,
death to whom this sword does blow*
The spell's effect is increased damage to target, and resistance to magical tampering. (ie. Someone casting a spell to shatter the blade would fail.)
She prefers turn based fighting, but will speed fight,
if the event requires. She hates to fight at all, but
if someone threatens a child, or anyone who is
defenseless, Rini will step in and protect whomever
is in need of her aid.
Rini is a skilled rider of dragons, and horses.  She can fight with a bow, as well as she can with the sword.  She spends very little of her time soldiering however, and has become much more the proper lady her rank as  Princess should require.
Rini has some skills as a Midwife, and has a knack for travelling the astral plane, and helping people to heal spiritually. 
She also possesses a fire ring, which enables her to touch fire, without getting burned.  She uses this ring to create items out of the fire, or images in it.  Often this is used to help her figure things out..a way of plotting a map in her mind to help solve a problem.
Her armour is wher hide, and dragon scale, mostly, though she wears leather boots. She wears dragonscale gloves made of very fine scales.
(No Dragons were harmed in the making of her armour)