Hehe, still more!
The Works Of Ky
Sketches:Page One
Dad's Stuff
The Artist
The Artist: Page 2
Worth the Fight
Short Story: Dragon Quest
Court Drama Case 789
Court Drama: Detective Dana
Pictures Page 2
Fan Fic: Charmed
Fan Fic: Harry Potter
Short Story :Home
Short Story: Lady Eva
Poetry Page 2
Poetry Page 3
Poetry Page 4
Poetry: Page Five

The Mistic Isle

I seem to walk across the water's dark reflective surface.
My feet do not feel the cold of the liquid though
and as I move, the water does not ripple,

Ahead of me, are the mists..and I cannot see what lies beyond
but I know..I know for sure what is there, and that is my goal.
I will find the land I have come to find, the land I was meant to find

There is no sound, through the mists not even the birds make sounds
not even my step has an echo, and I have no shadow upon the water
and even the sound of my breath is muffled into the eerie silence

I move forward across the water. This has been my dream, my life's goal
I knew some day that i would walk here, tred where those I loved walked before
and return to the place where my soul was born, all those years ago

As I step onto solid ground, the mists part behind me, and ahead of me
I see the tor, the ring of stone, and the hilltop, and I move toward them, still silently
As I reach the center of the ring, I stand still, and close my eyes, and call to her with my mind

She comes, the fair woman who I have known for all of my creation to be the mother
and she holds her hand to me, and guides me to her side, and we look out together
over the water, and through the darkened mists which lay heavily upon the water

She gives to me the knowledge I need, the last peice to the puzzle she gave me
and the one thing keeping me from being the teacher I aimed so long to be
she takes me in her arms, and embraces me, and in that embrace, I know all that is love

As she releases me, she looks deep into my eyes, and she understands what I see
and I learn what she sees in my eyes, through hers, through the reflection
which is what I see in the mirror beside my bed, when I awake from my dream.


Blank faces stare at me

Tall figures with animated shape

Standing still, yet moving

Wrapped in billowing Grecian robes

Stare back, for a moment

Angered by the lack of emotion

I want to beg for understanding, for aid

But it would fall on deaf ears

I want to plead with them

To scream at them

But they look back at me with loving eyes

Hollow eyes not mean for me

They are solid, cold stone

Carved from granite and concrete

Angels, bereft of wings

To lift them to the heavens

They remain here on earth

Guarding the graves of lost souls

Faces full of un-emotion as they watch

And I cry for their eternal state

Write IT Down!

I made a poem last night

Before I went to bed

But my eyes closed before

The poem left my head

When I woke upon the morn

And thought to write it down

I couldnt help but stare

Eyes furrowed in a frown

My pencil neer touched

The paper with its lead

To write down all the words

Forgotten before bed

So heres a lesson now

I hope to give to you

Write all your words on paper

Lest you forget them too!


The Sun Sets on Little Ant Hills

The sun's red glow bites the horizon

and chips the mountains down to hazy ant hills

which waver and shiver in the summer heat

As tiny child's feet trample the sandy hills

frantic ants rush to repair their homes

so innocently destroyed, felled by youth

the young, uneducated masses

of the poorly kept "ghetto" houses

and the dark, violent streets of night

It's all national pride, religious anger

released to the wild streets of dusk

where children carry knives

and older brothers keep their guns

tucked close inside their belts

while sisters work the street corners

for a little extra cash

Mother lies six feet under

those tiny red ant hills

the stone marked

"here lies mother under the sunset of eternity"

No date, because it was forgotten

no name...there never was one


And little Jenny's grave beside

with a tiny angel bent in prayer

spray painted on under

April 1, 2001-April 3,2001

the crack baby who never weighed 4 pounds.

Father's sitting on the wrought ironed balcony

watching the sunset while the radio blares

the evening news over his beer bottle

And the boom box upstairs drowns out the report

of two drive-bys and the air-raid

on the capital city of Iraq, killing hundreds

Tiny ants scurry over broken glass

and spilled sugar and rotten pizza crust

and ash filled inexpensive beer bottles

The sun sets over the mountains

casting its shadow over the hate crime victim

the street's prostitutes and children of the bars

and locking out the young man

who sells his drugs to the good little girls and boys

by threats of violence if they don't keep buying

And little brother walks by the public school

where dealers make their sales at night

because it's open ground for the lost boys

who spend their nights fighting there

But what of the mountains of trials

hazy by summer's hot sun

left to be climbed by the uninformed

uneducated, unfed children of the streets

the tiny ants unwanted and unloved

by innocent passersby

guilty of the bigger ignorance?


~Alissa Nicholls~

~March 3, 05~


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