The Works Of Ky
Sketches:Page One
Dad's Stuff
The Artist
The Artist: Page 2
Worth the Fight
Short Story: Dragon Quest
Court Drama Case 789
Court Drama: Detective Dana
Pictures Page 2
Fan Fic: Charmed
Fan Fic: Harry Potter
Short Story :Home
Short Story: Lady Eva
Poetry Page 2
Poetry Page 3
Poetry Page 4
Poetry: Page Five





Blonde Hair(Short)

One blue eye, one green(The left is blue)

approx. 5"4'.

approix. 125 lbs.

Aged 18.



Dark blonde hair(Long)

Emerald Green eyes.

approx. 5"2'

approx. 110

Aged 18


Dragon's Hunt

Times have changed since I was young. Dragon's have come and gone, and I am nearly the last. I am the youngest of the forty remaining and I am growing older. We are hunted, and dying out. My biggest dream is to rebuild the colony which has slowly died.

My mother and father both died fighting an uprising of wizards. They killed the king with Dragon'sbane. My siblings were caught in a giant's net spelled to reflect fire...none survived.

It has been a long time since such an event, and my companions and I live in fear of the wizards and giants now.

The other dragons do not converse wtih me often, as I am different. I am dark blue, nearly black, but I have a crescent moon shaped mark on my face, right above and between my eyes. All of the other dragons are light blue, gold, or red, and none have odd shaped marks on their faces.

We live on an island which is secluded from the rest of the world. We do not even know if there are others of our kind.

Many dragons have set out from our colony in search of others, but none have returned, and we know what becomes their fate, through the eldest of our colony, who Sees things. Most often they are killed by knights or wizards, and never return. Rarely though, a dragon will lay down and sing the song that will take them into death and float on the river that will lead them past the final gate.

I am travelling now on just such a journey. I long to see other lands and perhaps meet others of my kind. I have said farewell to my companions, and now I am leaving. Behind me, I leave 39 dragons and my home.

My name is Maia Rose Parker. I am 18 years old. I was born in Damarascotta, Maine, and lived there for only a month. After which I moved to Middleburg Pennsylvania, where I have lived with my uncle Ronald Hawkins since my parents were killed in a car accident. I was teh only survivor.

Uncle Ronnie is rich. He owns fifty acres of woodlands, which are used for hunting, and is the president of a giant money munching corporation. I still don't know what it is he sells, but he's rich because of it.

His being rich has been a sour point for me all of my life. He's a grouch 99% of the time, and I've never seen a penny of the money except what he spent on clothing and food, for me for school.

I rarely have time for myself, or friends, unless we have freetime at school, so I have few friends.

My best friend is Liz, who is strong, and independant. She and her father are really close. I suppose I'm kind of jealous of her, because she has that sort of bond with her father, where none could possibly exist between me and mine. But one thing we both have in common, among other things, is that neither of us has a mother, in fact, Kacie has that in common with us as well. Kacie and I are both orphans, but I have my uncle, and grandparents in Maine, something that Kacie doesn't even have. I have one more friend, that's Joy. She's outspoken, and never hesitates to say what she's thinking. It's one of those things that makes me like her I think.

A strange thing I've noticed about all of us, is that we are the only girls in school to have green eyes, though the shades vary.

The four of us attend H.D. Fynn Private Academy. The school started out as an orphanage for girls, sponsored by Harold D. Fynn, a hundred years ago, in 1903. In 1950, Mr. Fynn died and the orphanage was turned into a school named in his honor.

Liz's bio goes here.





Joy's Bio goes here.




Kacie's Bio goes here.

It has been five days since I left my home, and my journey has been uneventful. I travel mostly by night, only moving in the daylight if I am unable to find suitable resting areas. Already I have come far. The ocean is a day behind me, and I travel across land much more populated than my grandfather's stories tell us. At night, even the skies are lit by the fires the humans use to light their homes.

Humans no longer seem afraid of the night, or of the dead. I have landed in a remote area, there are many pine trees, and many small ponds and rivers. It is a place where humans first settled when they came over the ocean to escape the tyranny of what they called "Angland." Last the dragons knew, it was called New Angland, but that may have changed.

I found a small patch of woods with houses and roads around and through it, but no lights in the woods to show me in the dark, and plenty of trees to hide behind in the day. I have decided to stay here a few days and rest.

I have seen only two people since I landed, lone travellers who have not seen me, nor shown interest in finding me. Both people have been without magic.

It is now midday of my third day here in a very small cave, one I must squeeze into to sleep. I have been watching a human. She is swimming in a pond created by beavers. I have seen them working on it all morning, but they have gone to let this girl swim.

She is alone. She came walking through the woods an hour ago, and approached the pond carrying a towel. Setting the towel down, she took off an overlarge tunic, and walked slowly into the pond.

At first, she seemed very skittish, stopping often to listen for footfalls, or a disturbance among the birds. Now she is relaxed, humming a tune I do not recognize. As I stare at her, I suddenly realize she is looking at me.

I raise my head. She is frightened, but she won't scream. She has courage. No other human has ever stood in front of a dragon and not turned and run. She walks out of the water and toward me. I do not know what to do. Should I kill her? No, she is undeserving of such a fate. Should I fly away? Scratch that, I am far to interested in her to just leave. No, I will stay.

She is now standing less than ten feet from me. Her eyes flicker to my moon shaped mark and she stops in her tracks. What is wrong I wonder? Then, as I think about it, she smiles, and bows to me.

I looked up at the Dragon. I was sure I was dreaming, but a quick pinch on my stomach as I bowed to him and I knew I was awake, and that he was real.

He was three times my size, though smaller than the dragons I had pictured, he was huge compared to me.

I am now sitting on a rock in front of him, trying to build up the courage to speak to him. I smile and stand up. We sat in silence for ten minutes, and I think it time to introduce myself. I look at his eyes for encourgement, and I see it there, he is ready to speak, and to listen too.

I am the one to break the silence. "My name is Maia." He looks at me strangely for a moment, then his lips curve into what I assume(and hope) is a smile, and he says "I am called Azual."

"I am pleased to meet you." My brain is working overtime and I don't know what it's thinking. To be standing here talking to a dragon, a mythical beast lonce considered extinct (or nonexistent) is a dream come true.

We begin discussing who we are, and our pasts. Th dragon is very talkative, but shares little about his family or friends. I get the impression there are few of them.

I tell him all about my desire to travel, and to leave my uncle's constant eye. He is kind and sympathetic towards my cause.

" Would you like to join me in my quest?" He asks me.

"Oh! I would love to...but I couldn't leave my friends."

"Where are they?"

"Back home in Middleburg."


"Down south."

"Oh, how far?"

" A days car."

" What is a car?" I racked my brains for a term.

"It's a horseless carriage that runs with an engine and electric power."

"You'll have to explain later."

"That I can handle. Where are you from?"

"I am from the Isle of Fire, ease of here."

"Why is it that no one has seen a you mind if I call you that??

"Not at all, it's what I am. Isn't it??

"Right, why is it that no one has seen a dragon in more than a hundred years?"

"We were hiding from the wizards and the giants."

"Wizards and giants haven't been around for centuries. I don't know about the giants, but wizards were persecuted with the witches in the 16 and 17 hundreds. It's 2002 now.

"Has it really been that long?"


Liz's intro goes here.




I've just returned from visiting my mother's parents in Maine. My grandmother and grandfather are very kind to allow me to stay with them in their little shore-side cottage during vacation.

I called Liz the other day, but I couldn't talk long. My phone card quit on me. I wanted to tell her about the dragon first. To see if she'd believe me, and if she'd join me in helping Azual out.

He is, at the moment, hiding in my giant back yard. I am sure my uncle will not find him while I'm away at school. I have already asked if Uncle Ronnie will allow me to entertain a few guests, at my own expense, after school. After much thought, he said yes, and now I am on my way to school, anxious to tell my story.


As I run into the school yard, I look for Liz. I have to tell her. As I spot her, I run up to her and say "Liz, I've something very important to tell you!"

Just then, we were interrupted by the bell for classed to begin.

"Damn! Liz, what to you have this period?"

"Etiquette 101."

"I have American History with Mr. Dunce (Mr. Dunston) I'll have to wait until free-time. Meet me in Room 18(Ms. McKensie)."

First period passes slowly and as I listen to Mr. D. rambling, I zone him out, to think about Azual...Big mistake! Mr. D raps his ruler on my desk(I'm waiting for it to become illegal to do that).

"Care to share your thought's Miss Parker?"

"No Sir!"

"Pay Attention!"

"Sorry." I don't feel like listening, but I focus for the remainder of class. I start getting anxious by the end of class, and when the bell rings I'm already out the door. I walk down the hall as fast as I can without running and meet Liz just as she reaches the cafeteria door."Liz!"

"Alright Maia, calm down!"

"Liz, we need to talk without people all around...they'll think I'm crazy."

"Since when has that stopped you??

"Hey, be nice!"

"Okay, sorry. What's up?"

"I saw a Maine."

"A Dragon? I mean honest to the Goddess, a real Dragon?" She says doubtfully.


"You're telling the truth aren't you?" Noting the look of earnest hope in my eyes.

"Yes Liz.


"They do exist. Honest. Listen, can you talk Da into letting you come over tonight, you can use my phone during lunch. Uncle Ronnie already said yes."


"Yeah. I 'behaved' well, and asked properly...took him a while, but he gave his permission."

"Wow! I'm sure Da will say it's okay."

"We need to find Kacie and Joy. They're coming too, if they can."

"What've you got planned?"

"I'm going to entertain you, and that's all I'm saying. Well...bring some sneakers and and outdoor jacket."

"I've got a change of clothes and sneakers with me...I was going to walk to the library, do a little studying for tomorrow's test."

"Tomorrow's test! Uh-Oh!"

"You didn't study last week did you?"

"Didn't touch my books at all. Oh well, I'll study during first period study hall." We meet up with Kacie as we reach the school's theatre, and Joy is already inside.

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